
发布:想说123 2011-03-31 16:39 阅读:2669
2011 International Conference on Information Technology and Management Engineering(ITME2011) l!n<.tQW  
2011年IEEE信息技术与管理工程国际学术会议-ITME2011(EI&ISTP) wzw`9^B  
23-25 September 2011 w#?@ulr]d  
Wuhan, China .U8Se+;  
2011 International Conference on Information Technology and Management Engineering(ITME 2011) will provide an idea-exchange and discussion platform for the world’s engineers and academia, where internationally recognized researches and practitioners share cutting-edge information, address the hottest issue in Information Technology and Management Engineering, explore new technologies, exchange and build upon ideas and provide researchers and practitioners interested in new information technologies an opportunity to highlight innovative research directions, novel applications, and a growing number of relationships between Management and Information Technology. The goal of the conference is for the scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the Industry. b.qp&2A  
Important Date Qg)=4(<Hr  
Paper submission due:              01 June, 2011 4T*RJ3Fz!  
Notification of paper acceptance:  01 July, 2011 KY)r kfo B  
Final manuscript due:              09 July, 2011 b&LfL$  
Registration and full payment due: 22 July, 2011 o8 A]vaa  
Authors are invited to submit original unpublished manuscripts, the papers can be theoretical, practical and application oriented on the following areas of interest, but not limited to: -IBf;"8f  
Area1. Information Technology /PP\L](  
Information System 2b+0}u>a  
Information Systems Integration (S :+#v  
E-Learning and Mobile learning 5:jbd:o  
Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) V}1D1.@  
Information Technology in Education ~R`Rj*Q2Y  
Information Hiding and Digital Watermark dg%Orvuz  
Security and Privacy &&iZ?JteZ  
Management Information System fIrl?X']  
E-Business/E-hospital/E-Society NLe+  
Network Engineering Sz\"*W;>  
Software Engineering T[w]w  
Wireless/Mobile communication +k!Y]_&(:f  
Artificial Intelligent System j8@ Eqh  
The optimum technology and algorithm hcQvL>  
Data warehouse and data mining >U~B"'!xV  
Distributed/Mobile/Grid/ Ubiquitous Computing $#4J^(I*:  
Robot Technology f%LzWXA  
Electronic Publishing u-W6 hZ$  
Enterprise Information System Integration >Z#=<  
MIS Education and Occupations UcCkn7}  
Healthcare Information Systems Nw'3gJ:  
Multimedia Technology M@a?j<7P,m  
Virtual Reality Technology .xtjB8gc  
Database Technology Q AJX7  
Intelligent Transportation Technology >wK ^W{  
Measurement Technology c65_E<5Z  
Graph and Image Processing Te%'9-jk  
Data and Knowledge Visualization lFWN [`H  
Content-Based Information Retrieval ZeD""vJRY  
Digital Library and Application 55vpnRM  
Intelligent Technology and Business Intelligence &a?&G'?  
Communication {;(X#vK}9  
Information and Systems Security tuA,t  
Blog, Wiki and Mass Collaboration Systems W)"PYC4  
Computer Application Technology X\SZ Q[gN  
Theories of Information and System Security Wt +, 6Cq  
Web Services Model and Application )!1; =   
Information System Applications eSZS`(#!(  
Pervasive Information Systems Jji~MiMn  
Social Aspects of Information Technology e&dE>m  
Other related information technologies ; 6Wlu3I  
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Area2. Management Engineering ?^i$} .%W  
Production and operation management TlEx w0i!  
Quality control and reliability R9SJ;TsE  
Logistics and supply chain management T`g.K6$b  
Application of Systems engineering and Operational research & z;;Bx0s  
The safety management pv2_A   
Management of technology, innovation and evaluation !UE' AB  
Financial engineering and risk management %H:uE*WZ  
Digital library management and technology EAQg4N:D7L  
Knowledge acquisition, expert systems cq'opjLf5  
Knowledge based systems to support database design ![WX -"lW  
Knowledge management s8| =1{  
Management Information Systems \1 4"Bgj1  
Network culture and harmonious society 1xM'5C?~7  
Object-oriented enterprise modeling MnvFmYgxA  
Organizational management 3Oy-\09  
Project Management Dm/# \y3  
Public Policy Management *F+t`<2  
Software copyright infringements 03*` T  
Systems analysis and design methods hR3lo;'  
Information economics >=hO jV;  
Information Quality and Strategy q/xMM `{  
Information resource management 7s_#X|A$  
Information systems planning and management X>mY`$!/  
Information Technology and sustainable development of corporation ReOp,A/y  
Information Technology Management "}UJ~ j).  
Economics of Information and System Security ODK$G [-  
Massive Storage and Data Management =whZ?,u1   
Metadata Processing and Management I]P'wav~O  
Organizational Issues of Information yc5C`r+6  
Software Agent based Systems in Logistic W=M`Bkw{  
Other related management topics &LE,.Q34  
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The Secretary of ITME2011 W)jO 4,eO  
Email: icitme2011@vip.163.com, icitme2011@vip.sina.com .Gv9RKgd~  
Phone: +86-15827478928 ((A]FOIbO  
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chuyun1212 2011-12-02 16:10
samzhang123 2011-12-05 23:46
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